======= Markers ======= Salt factories ships with a few markers, skip markers. Additional markers used in Salt's test suite are provided by the `skip-markers`_ pytest plugin. .. _skip-markers: https://pypi.org/project/pytest-skip-markers .. _markers.requires_salt_modules: ``requires_salt_modules`` ========================= .. py:decorator:: pytest.mark.requires_salt_modules(*modules) :param str modules: Each argument passed to the marker should be a :ref:`salt execution module ` that will need to be loaded by salt, or the test will be skipped. Allowed values are the module name, for example ``cmd``, or the module name with the function name, ``cmd.run``. .. code-block:: python @pytest.mark.requires_salt_modules("cmd", "archive.tar") def test_func(): assert True .. _markers.requires_salt_states: ``requires_salt_states`` ======================== .. py:decorator:: pytest.mark.requires_salt_states(*modules) :param str modules: Each argument passed to the marker should be a :ref:`salt state module ` that will need to be loaded by salt, or the test will be skipped. Allowed values are the state module name, for example ``pkg``, or the state module name with the function name, ``pkg.installed``. .. code-block:: python @pytest.mark.requires_salt_states("pkg", "archive.extracted") def test_func(): assert True