Log Server#

The Salt Factories Log Server is responsible to receive log records from the salt daemons.

Because all of Salt’s daemons and CLI tools are started in subprocesses, there’s really no easy way to get those logs into the main process where the test suite is running.

However, salt is extensible by nature, and it provides a way to attach custom log handlers into python’s logging machinery.

We take advantage of that and add a custom logging handler into subprocesses we start for salt. That logging handler will then forward all log records into this log server, which in turn, injects them into the logging machinery running in the test suite.

This allows one to use PyTest’s caplog fixture to assert against log messages.

As an example:

def test_baz(caplog):
    for record in caplog.records:
        assert record.levelname != "CRITICAL"
    assert "wally" not in caplog.text