

All started daemons will forward their events into an instance of EventListener.

This fixture can be used to wait for events:

def test_send(event_listener, salt_master, salt_minion, salt_call_cli):
    event_tag = random_string("salt/test/event/")
    data = {"": "just test it!!!!"}
    start_time = time.time()
    ret ="event.send", event_tag, data=data)
    assert ret.exitcode == 0
    assert ret.json
    assert ret.json is True

    event_pattern = (, event_tag)
    matched_events = event_listener.wait_for_events(
        [event_pattern], after_time=start_time, timeout=30
    assert matched_events.found_all_events
    # At this stage, we got all the events we were waiting for

And assert against those events events:

def test_send(event_listener, salt_master, salt_minion, salt_call_cli):
    # ... check the example above for the initial code ...
    assert matched_events.found_all_events
    # At this stage, we got all the events we were waiting for
    for event in matched_events:
        assert["id"] ==
        assert["cmd"] == "_minion_event"
        assert "" in["data"]



The configure_loader_modules fixture is meant to be used on unit-tests, the pytest-salt-factories plugin does not define it anywhere. Instead, the user must define it on the test module.

The fixture must return a dictionary, where the keys are the salt modules that need to be patched, and the values are dictionaries. These dictionaries should have the salt dunders as keys. These dunders are dictionaries that the salt loader injects at runtime, so, they are not available outside of Salt’s runtime.