Using Salt Factories

Salt factories simplifies testing Salt related code outside of Salt’s source tree. A great example is a salt-extension.

Let’s consider this echo-extension example.

The echo-extension provides an execution module:

__virtualname__ = "echo"

def __virtual__():
    return __virtualname__

def text(string):
    This function just returns any text that it's given.

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' echo.text 'foo bar baz quo qux'
    return __salt__["test.echo"](string)

def reverse(string):
    This function just returns any text that it's given, reversed.

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' echo.reverse 'foo bar baz quo qux'
    return __salt__["test.echo"](string)[::-1]

And also a state module:

__virtualname__ = "echo"

def __virtual__():
    if "echo.text" not in __salt__:
        return False, "The 'echo' execution module is not available"
    return __virtualname__

def echoed(name):
    ret = {"name": name, "changes": {}, "result": False, "comment": ""}
    value = __salt__["echo.text"](name)
    if value == name:
        ret["result"] = True
        ret["comment"] = "The 'echo.echoed' returned: '{}'".format(value)
    return ret

def reversed(name):
    This example function should be replaced
    ret = {"name": name, "changes": {}, "result": False, "comment": ""}
    value = __salt__["echo.reverse"](name)
    if value == name[::-1]:
        ret["result"] = True
        ret["comment"] = "The 'echo.reversed' returned: '{}'".format(value)
    return ret

One could start off with something simple like unit testing the extension’s code.

Unit Tests

import pytest
import salt.modules.test as testmod

import echoext.modules.echo_mod as echo_module

def configure_loader_modules():
    module_globals = {
        "__salt__": {"test.echo": testmod.echo},
    return {
        echo_module: module_globals,

def test_text():
    echo_str = "Echoed!"
    assert echo_module.text(echo_str) == echo_str

def test_reverse():
    echo_str = "Echoed!"
    expected = echo_str[::-1]
    assert echo_module.reverse(echo_str) == expected
import pytest
import salt.modules.test as testmod

import echoext.modules.echo_mod as echo_module
import echoext.states.echo_mod as echo_state

def configure_loader_modules():
    return {
        echo_module: {
            "__salt__": {
                "test.echo": testmod.echo,
        echo_state: {
            "__salt__": {
                "echo.text": echo_module.text,
                "echo.reverse": echo_module.reverse,

def test_echoed():
    echo_str = "Echoed!"
    expected = {
        "name": echo_str,
        "changes": {},
        "result": True,
        "comment": "The 'echo.echoed' returned: '{}'".format(echo_str),
    assert echo_state.echoed(echo_str) == expected

def test_reversed():
    echo_str = "Echoed!"
    expected_str = echo_str[::-1]
    expected = {
        "name": echo_str,
        "changes": {},
        "result": True,
        "comment": "The 'echo.reversed' returned: '{}'".format(expected_str),
    assert echo_state.reversed(echo_str) == expected

The magical piece of code in the above example is the configure_loader_modules fixture.

Integration Tests

import os

import pytest

from echoext import PACKAGE_ROOT
from saltfactories.utils import random_string

def salt_factories_config():
    Return a dictionary with the keyword arguments for FactoriesManager
    return {
        "code_dir": str(PACKAGE_ROOT),
        "inject_coverage": "COVERAGE_PROCESS_START" in os.environ,
        "inject_sitecustomize": "COVERAGE_PROCESS_START" in os.environ,
        "start_timeout": 120 if os.environ.get("CI") else 60,

def master(salt_factories):
    return salt_factories.salt_master_daemon(random_string("master-"))

def minion(master):
    return master.salt_minion_daemon(random_string("minion-"))
import pytest

def master(master):
    with master.started():
        yield master

def minion(minion):
    with minion.started():
        yield minion

def salt_run_cli(master):
    return master.salt_run_cli()

def salt_cli(master):
    return master.salt_cli()

def salt_call_cli(minion):
    return minion.salt_call_cli()
import pytest

pytestmark = [

def test_text(salt_call_cli):
    echo_str = "Echoed!"
    ret ="echo.text", echo_str)
    assert ret.exitcode == 0
    assert ret.json
    assert ret.json == echo_str

def test_reverse(salt_call_cli):
    echo_str = "Echoed!"
    expected = echo_str[::-1]
    ret ="echo.reverse", echo_str)
    assert ret.exitcode == 0
    assert ret.json
    assert ret.json == expected
import pytest

pytestmark = [

def test_echoed(salt_call_cli):
    echo_str = "Echoed!"
    ret ="state.single", "echo.echoed", echo_str)
    assert ret.exitcode == 0
    assert ret.json
    assert ret.json == echo_str

def test_reversed(salt_call_cli):
    echo_str = "Echoed!"
    expected = echo_str[::-1]
    ret ="state.single", "echo.reversed", echo_str)
    assert ret.exitcode == 0
    assert ret.json
    assert ret.json == expected

What happened above?

  1. We started a salt master

  2. We started a salt minion

  3. The minion connects to the master

  4. The master accepted the minion’s key automatically

  5. We pinged the minion

A litle suggestion

Not all tests should be integration tests, in fact, only a small set of the test suite should be an integration test.