Source code for saltfactories.plugins.factories

Salt Daemon Factories PyTest Plugin.
import logging
import os
import pathlib
import pprint
import tempfile

import pytest
import pytestskipmarkers.utils.platform

import saltfactories

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _salt_factories_config(request):  # noqa: PT005
    Return a dictionary with the keyword arguments for FactoriesManager.
    log_server = request.config.pluginmanager.get_plugin("saltfactories-log-server")
    return {
        "code_dir": saltfactories.CODE_ROOT_DIR.parent,
        "coverage_rc_path": saltfactories.CODE_ROOT_DIR.parent / ".coveragerc",
        "coverage_db_path": saltfactories.CODE_ROOT_DIR.parent / ".coverage",
        "inject_sitecustomize": True,
        "log_server_host": log_server.log_host,
        "log_server_port": log_server.log_port,
        "log_server_level": log_server.log_level,
        "system_service": (
            or os.environ.get("SALT_FACTORIES_SYSTEM_SERVICE", "0") == "1"
        "python_executable": request.config.getoption("--python-executable"),
        "scripts_dir": request.config.getoption("--scripts-dir"),

[docs] @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def salt_factories_config(): """ Default salt factories configuration fixture. """ return {}
[docs] @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def salt_factories_default_root_dir(): """ The root directory from where to base all paths. For example, in a salt system installation, this would be ``/``. .. admonition:: Attention If `root_dir` is returned on the `salt_factories_config()` fixture dictionary, then that's the value used, and not the one returned by this fixture. """ # Taken from # Avoid ${TMPDIR} and gettempdir() on MacOS as they yield a base path too long # for unix sockets: ``error: AF_UNIX path too long`` # Gentoo Portage prefers ebuild tests are rooted in ${TMPDIR} if pytestskipmarkers.utils.platform.is_windows(): tempdir = "C:/Windows/Temp" elif pytestskipmarkers.utils.platform.is_darwin(): tempdir = "/tmp" # noqa: S108 else: tempdir = os.environ.get("TMPDIR") or tempfile.gettempdir() return pathlib.Path(tempdir).resolve()
[docs] @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def salt_factories( event_listener, stats_processes, salt_factories_default_root_dir, # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name salt_factories_config, # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name _salt_factories_config, ): """ Instantiate the salt factories manager. """ # Do not move this deferred import. It allows running against a Salt onedir build # in salt's repo checkout. from saltfactories.manager import FactoriesManager # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel if not isinstance(salt_factories_config, dict): msg = "The 'salt_factories_config' fixture MUST return a dictionary" raise pytest.UsageError(msg) if salt_factories_config: log.debug( "Salt Factories Manager Default Config:\n%s", pprint.pformat(_salt_factories_config) ) log.debug("Salt Factories Manager User Config:\n%s", pprint.pformat(salt_factories_config)) factories_config = _salt_factories_config.copy() factories_config.update(salt_factories_config) factories_config.setdefault("root_dir", salt_factories_default_root_dir) log.debug( "Instantiating the Salt Factories Manager with the following keyword arguments:\n%s", pprint.pformat(factories_config), ) return FactoriesManager( stats_processes=stats_processes, event_listener=event_listener, **factories_config )
[docs] def pytest_addoption(parser): """ Register argparse-style options and ini-style config values. """ group = parser.getgroup("Salt Factories") group.addoption( "--system-service", default=False, action="store_true", help=( "Tell salt-factories to use the salt daemons system services, previously " "installed, instead of starting them from the available(and importable) " "salt checkout." ), ) group.addoption( "--python-executable", default=None, help=( "Tell salt-factories which python executable should be used when it " "needs to prefix CLI commands with it. Defaults to `sys.executable`." ), ) group.addoption( "--scripts-dir", default=None, type=pathlib.Path, help=( "Tell salt-factories where to look for the Salt daemon and CLI scripts. " "The several scripts to the Salt daemons and CLI's MUST exist. " "Passing this option will also make salt-factories NOT generate " "said scripts and set `python_executable` to `None`." ), )