Source code for saltfactories.utils.loader

Salt's Loader PyTest Mock Support.
import logging
import sys
import types
from collections import deque
from unittest.mock import patch

import attr
import pytest
from pytestshellutils.utils import format_callback_to_string

except AttributeError:
    # Salt's logging hasn't been setup yet

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] @attr.s(init=True, slots=True, frozen=True) class LoaderModuleMock: """ Salt Loader mock class. """ setup_loader_modules = attr.ib(init=True) # These dunders should always exist at the module global scope salt_module_dunders = attr.ib( init=True, repr=False, kw_only=True, default=( "__opts__", "__salt__", "__runner__", "__context__", "__utils__", "__ext_pillar__", "__thorium__", "__states__", "__serializers__", "__ret__", "__grains__", "__pillar__", "__sdb__", ), ) # These dunders might exist at the module global scope salt_module_dunders_optional = attr.ib( init=True, repr=False, kw_only=True, default=("__proxy__",), ) # These dunders might exist at the function global scope salt_module_dunder_attributes = attr.ib( init=True, repr=False, kw_only=True, default=( # Salt states attributes "__env__", "__low__", "__instance_id__", "__orchestration_jid__", # Salt runners attributes "__jid_event__", # Salt cloud attributes "__active_provider_name__", # Proxy Minions "__proxyenabled__", ), ) _finalizers = attr.ib(init=False, repr=False, hash=False, default=attr.Factory(deque))
[docs] def start(self): """ Start mocks. """ module_globals = {dunder: {} for dunder in self.salt_module_dunders} for module, globals_to_mock in self.setup_loader_modules.items(): log.log( LOGGING_TRACE_LEVEL, "Setting up loader globals for %s; globals: %s", module, globals_to_mock, ) if not isinstance(module, types.ModuleType): msg = ( "The dictionary keys returned by setup_loader_modules() must be an imported module, " f"not {type(module)}" ) raise pytest.UsageError(msg) if not isinstance(globals_to_mock, dict): msg = ( "The dictionary values returned by setup_loader_modules() must be a dictionary, " f"not {type(globals_to_mock)}" ) raise pytest.UsageError(msg) # Patch sys.modules as the first step if "sys.modules" in globals_to_mock: self._patch_sys_modules(globals_to_mock) # Now patch the module globals self._patch_module_globals(module, globals_to_mock, module_globals.copy())
[docs] def stop(self): """ Stop mocks. """ while self._finalizers: func, args, kwargs = self._finalizers.popleft() func_repr = format_callback_to_string(func, args, kwargs) try: log.log(LOGGING_TRACE_LEVEL, "Calling finalizer %s", func_repr) func(*args, **kwargs) except Exception: # pragma: no cover pylint: disable=broad-except log.exception("Failed to run finalizer %s", func_repr)
[docs] def addfinalizer(self, func, *args, **kwargs): """ Register a function to run when stopping. """ self._finalizers.append((func, args, kwargs))
def _patch_sys_modules(self, mocks): sys_modules = mocks["sys.modules"] if not isinstance(sys_modules, dict): msg = f"'sys.modules' must be a dictionary not: {type(sys_modules)}" raise pytest.UsageError(msg) patcher = patch.dict(sys.modules, values=sys_modules) patcher.start() self.addfinalizer(patcher.stop) def _patch_module_globals(self, module, mocks, module_globals): salt_dunder_dicts = self.salt_module_dunders + self.salt_module_dunders_optional allowed_salt_dunders = salt_dunder_dicts + self.salt_module_dunder_attributes for key in mocks: if key == "sys.modules": # sys.modules is addressed on another function continue if key.startswith("__"): if key in ("__init__", "__virtual__"): msg = f"No need to patch {key!r}. Passed loader module dict: {self.setup_loader_modules}" raise pytest.UsageError(msg) if key not in allowed_salt_dunders: msg = f"Don't know how to handle {key!r}. Passed loader module dict: {self.setup_loader_modules}" raise pytest.UsageError(msg) module_globals[key] = mocks[key] # Patch the module! log.log(LOGGING_TRACE_LEVEL, "Patching globals for %s; globals: %s", module, module_globals) patcher = patch.multiple(module, create=True, **module_globals) patcher.start() self.addfinalizer(patcher.stop) def __enter__(self): """ Use the mock class as a context manager. """ self.start() return self def __exit__(self, *_): """ Exit context manager. """ self.stop()