Source code for saltfactories.daemons.api


Salt API Factory
import attr
import pytest

from saltfactories.bases import SaltDaemon

[docs]@attr.s(kw_only=True, slots=True) class SaltApi(SaltDaemon): def __attrs_post_init__(self): if "rest_cherrypy" in self.config: self.check_ports = [self.config["rest_cherrypy"]["port"]] elif "rest_tornado" in self.config: self.check_ports = [self.config["rest_tornado"]["port"]] else: raise pytest.UsageError( "The salt-master configuration for this salt-api instance does not seem to have " "any api properly configured." ) super().__attrs_post_init__() @classmethod def _configure( cls, factories_manager, daemon_id, root_dir=None, defaults=None, overrides=None, ): raise pytest.UsageError( "The salt-api daemon is not configurable. It uses the salt-master config that " "it's attached to." ) @classmethod def _get_verify_config_entries(cls, config): return []
[docs] @classmethod def load_config(cls, config_file, config): raise pytest.UsageError( "The salt-api daemon does not have it's own config file. It uses the salt-master config that " "it's attached to." )
[docs] def get_check_events(self): """ Return a list of tuples in the form of `(master_id, event_tag)` check against to ensure the daemon is running """ return []