Source code for saltfactories.manager


Salt Factories Manager
import logging
import pathlib
import sys

import attr

from saltfactories import CODE_ROOT_DIR
from saltfactories import daemons
from saltfactories.bases import Salt
from saltfactories.utils import cli_scripts
from saltfactories.utils import running_username

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]@attr.s(kw_only=True, slots=True) class FactoriesManager: """ The :class:`FactoriesManager` is responsible for configuring and spawning Salt Daemons and making sure that any salt CLI tools are "targeted" to the right daemon. It also keeps track of which daemons were started and adds their termination routines to PyTest's request finalization routines. If process statistics are enabled, it also adds the started daemons to those statistics. :keyword pathlib.Path, str root_dir: :keyword int log_server_port: The port the log server should listen at :keyword int log_server_level: The level of the log server :keyword str log_server_host: The hostname/ip address of the host running the logs server. Defaults to "localhost". :keyword str code_dir: The path to the code root directory of the project being tested. This is important for proper code-coverage paths. :keyword bool inject_coverage: Inject code-coverage related code in the generated CLI scripts :keyword bool inject_sitecustomize: Inject code in the generated CLI scripts in order for our `` to be loaded by subprocesses. :keyword str cwd: The path to the current working directory :keyword dict environ: A dictionary of `key`, `value` pairs to add to the environment. :keyword bool slow_stop: Whether to terminate the processes by sending a :py:attr:`SIGTERM` signal or by calling :py:meth:`~subprocess.Popen.terminate` on the sub-process. When code coverage is enabled, one will want `slow_stop` set to `True` so that coverage data can be written down to disk. :keyword int start_timeout: The amount of time, in seconds, to wait, until a subprocess is considered as not started. :type stats_processes: saltfactories.plugins.sysstats.StatsProcesses :keyword stats_processes: This will be an `StatsProcesses` class instantiated on the :py:func:`~_pytest.hookspec.pytest_sessionstart` hook accessible as a session scoped `stats_processes` fixture. :keyword bool system_install: If true, the daemons and CLI's are run against a system installed salt setup, ie, the default salt system paths apply. """ root_dir = attr.ib() tmp_root_dir = attr.ib(init=False) log_server_port = attr.ib() log_server_level = attr.ib() log_server_host = attr.ib() code_dir = attr.ib(default=None) inject_coverage = attr.ib(default=False) inject_sitecustomize = attr.ib(default=False) cwd = attr.ib(default=None) environ = attr.ib(default=None) slow_stop = attr.ib(default=True) start_timeout = attr.ib(default=None) stats_processes = attr.ib(repr=False, default=None) system_install = attr.ib(repr=False, default=False) event_listener = attr.ib(repr=False) # Internal attributes scripts_dir = attr.ib(default=None, init=False, repr=False) def __attrs_post_init__(self): self.tmp_root_dir = pathlib.Path(self.root_dir.strpath) self.tmp_root_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) if self.system_install is False: self.root_dir = self.tmp_root_dir else: self.root_dir = pathlib.Path("/") if self.start_timeout is None: if not sys.platform.startswith(("win", "darwin")): self.start_timeout = 60 else: # Windows and macOS are just slower self.start_timeout = 120 if self.system_install is False: # Setup the internal attributes self.scripts_dir = self.root_dir / "scripts" self.scripts_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_salt_log_handlers_path(): """ Returns the path to the Salt log handler this plugin provides """ return CODE_ROOT_DIR / "utils" / "saltext" / "log_handlers"
[docs] @staticmethod def get_salt_engines_path(): """ Returns the path to the Salt engine this plugin provides """ return CODE_ROOT_DIR / "utils" / "saltext" / "engines"
def final_minion_config_tweaks(self, config): pytest_key = "pytest-minion" if pytest_key not in config: # pragma: no cover config[pytest_key] = {} config[pytest_key]["returner_address"] = self.event_listener.address self.final_common_config_tweaks(config, "minion") def final_master_config_tweaks(self, config): pytest_key = "pytest-master" if pytest_key not in config: # pragma: no cover config[pytest_key] = {} config[pytest_key]["returner_address"] = self.event_listener.address self.final_common_config_tweaks(config, "master") def final_syndic_config_tweaks(self, config): self.final_common_config_tweaks(config, "syndic") def final_proxy_minion_config_tweaks(self, config): self.final_common_config_tweaks(config, "minion") def final_cloud_config_tweaks(self, config): self.final_common_config_tweaks(config, "cloud") def final_common_config_tweaks(self, config, role): config.setdefault("engines", []) if "pytest" not in config["engines"]: config["engines"].append("pytest") if "engines_dirs" not in config: config["engines_dirs"] = [] config["engines_dirs"].insert(0, str(FactoriesManager.get_salt_engines_path())) config.setdefault("user", running_username()) if not config["user"]: # pragma: no cover # If this value is empty, None, False, just remove it config.pop("user") if "log_forwarding_consumer" not in config: # Still using old logging, let's add our custom log handler if "log_handlers_dirs" not in config: config["log_handlers_dirs"] = [] config["log_handlers_dirs"].insert( 0, str(FactoriesManager.get_salt_log_handlers_path()) ) pytest_key = "pytest-{}".format(role) if pytest_key not in config: config[pytest_key] = {} pytest_config = config[pytest_key] if "log" not in pytest_config: # pragma: no cover pytest_config["log"] = {} log_config = pytest_config["log"] log_config.setdefault("host", self.log_server_host) log_config.setdefault("port", self.log_server_port) log_config.setdefault("level", "debug")
[docs] def salt_master_daemon( self, master_id, order_masters=False, master_of_masters=None, defaults=None, overrides=None, max_start_attempts=3, start_timeout=None, factory_class=daemons.master.SaltMaster, **factory_class_kwargs ): """ Configure a salt-master Args: master_id(str): The master ID order_masters(bool): Boolean flag to set if this master is going to control other masters(ie, master of masters), like, for example, in a :ref:`Syndic <salt:syndic>` topology scenario master_of_masters(:py:class:`saltfactories.daemons.master.SaltMaster`): A :py:class:`saltfactories.daemons.master.SaltMaster` instance, like, for example, in a :ref:`Syndic <salt:syndic>` topology scenario defaults(dict): A dictionary of default configuration to use when configuring the master overrides(dict): A dictionary of configuration overrides to use when configuring the master max_start_attempts(int): How many attempts should be made to start the master in case of failure to validate that its running factory_class_kwargs(dict): Extra keyword arguments to pass to :py:class:`saltfactories.daemons.master.SaltMaster` Returns: :py:class:`saltfactories.daemons.master.SaltMaster`: The master process class instance """ root_dir = self.get_root_dir_for_daemon( master_id, defaults=defaults, factory_class=factory_class ) config = factory_class.configure( self, master_id, root_dir=root_dir, defaults=defaults, overrides=overrides, order_masters=order_masters, master_of_masters=master_of_masters, ) self.final_master_config_tweaks(config) loaded_config = factory_class.write_config(config) return self._get_factory_class_instance( "salt-master", loaded_config, factory_class, master_id, max_start_attempts, start_timeout, **factory_class_kwargs )
[docs] def salt_minion_daemon( self, minion_id, master=None, defaults=None, overrides=None, max_start_attempts=3, start_timeout=None, factory_class=daemons.minion.SaltMinion, **factory_class_kwargs ): """ Spawn a salt-minion Args: minion_id(str): The minion ID master(:py:class:`saltfactories.daemons.master.SaltMaster`): An instance of :py:class:`saltfactories.daemons.master.SaltMaster` that this minion will connect to. defaults(dict): A dictionary of default configuration to use when configuring the minion overrides(dict): A dictionary of configuration overrides to use when configuring the minion max_start_attempts(int): How many attempts should be made to start the minion in case of failure to validate that its running factory_class_kwargs(dict): Extra keyword arguments to pass to :py:class:`~saltfactories.daemons.minion.SaltMinion` Returns: :py:class:`~saltfactories.daemons.minion.SaltMinion`: The minion process class instance """ root_dir = self.get_root_dir_for_daemon( minion_id, defaults=defaults, factory_class=factory_class ) config = factory_class.configure( self, minion_id, root_dir=root_dir, defaults=defaults, overrides=overrides, master=master, ) self.final_minion_config_tweaks(config) loaded_config = factory_class.write_config(config) return self._get_factory_class_instance( "salt-minion", loaded_config, factory_class, minion_id, max_start_attempts, start_timeout, **factory_class_kwargs )
[docs] def salt_syndic_daemon( self, syndic_id, master_of_masters=None, defaults=None, overrides=None, max_start_attempts=3, start_timeout=None, factory_class=daemons.syndic.SaltSyndic, master_defaults=None, master_overrides=None, master_factory_class=daemons.master.SaltMaster, minion_defaults=None, minion_overrides=None, minion_factory_class=daemons.minion.SaltMinion, **factory_class_kwargs ): """ Spawn a salt-syndic Args: syndic_id(str): The Syndic ID. This ID will be shared by the ``salt-master``, ``salt-minion`` and ``salt-syndic`` processes. master_of_masters(:py:class:`saltfactories.daemons.master.SaltMaster`): An instance of :py:class:`saltfactories.daemons.master.SaltMaster` that the master configured in this :ref:`Syndic <salt:syndic>` topology scenario shall connect to. defaults(dict): A dictionary of default configurations with three top level keys, ``master``, ``minion`` and ``syndic``, to use when configuring the ``salt-master``, ``salt-minion`` and ``salt-syndic`` respectively. overrides(dict): A dictionary of configuration overrides with three top level keys, ``master``, ``minion`` and ``syndic``, to use when configuring the ``salt-master``, ``salt-minion`` and ``salt-syndic`` respectively. max_start_attempts(int): How many attempts should be made to start the syndic in case of failure to validate that its running factory_class_kwargs(dict): Extra keyword arguments to pass to :py:class:`~saltfactories.daemons.syndic.SaltSyndic` Returns: :py:class:`~saltfactories.daemons.syndic.SaltSyndic`: The syndic process class instance """ root_dir = self.get_root_dir_for_daemon( syndic_id, defaults=defaults, factory_class=factory_class ) master_config = master_factory_class.configure( self, syndic_id, root_dir=root_dir, defaults=master_defaults, overrides=master_overrides, master_of_masters=master_of_masters, ) # Remove syndic related options for key in list(master_config): if key.startswith("syndic_"): master_config.pop(key) self.final_master_config_tweaks(master_config) master_loaded_config = master_factory_class.write_config(master_config) master_factory = self._get_factory_class_instance( "salt-master", master_loaded_config, master_factory_class, syndic_id, max_start_attempts, start_timeout, ) minion_config = minion_factory_class.configure( self, syndic_id, root_dir=root_dir, defaults=minion_defaults, overrides=minion_overrides, master=master_factory, ) self.final_minion_config_tweaks(minion_config) minion_loaded_config = minion_factory_class.write_config(minion_config) minion_factory = self._get_factory_class_instance( "salt-minion", minion_loaded_config, minion_factory_class, syndic_id, max_start_attempts, start_timeout, ) syndic_config = factory_class.default_config( root_dir, syndic_id=syndic_id, defaults=defaults, overrides=overrides, master_of_masters=master_of_masters, system_install=self.system_install, ) self.final_syndic_config_tweaks(syndic_config) syndic_loaded_config = factory_class.write_config(syndic_config) factory = self._get_factory_class_instance( "salt-syndic", syndic_loaded_config, factory_class, syndic_id, max_start_attempts=max_start_attempts, start_timeout=start_timeout, master=master_factory, minion=minion_factory, **factory_class_kwargs ) # We need the syndic master and minion running factory.before_start(master_factory.start) factory.before_start(minion_factory.start) return factory
[docs] def salt_proxy_minion_daemon( self, proxy_minion_id, master=None, defaults=None, overrides=None, max_start_attempts=3, start_timeout=None, factory_class=daemons.proxy.SaltProxyMinion, **factory_class_kwargs ): """ Spawn a salt-proxy Args: proxy_minion_id(str): The proxy minion ID master(:py:class:`saltfactories.daemons.master.SaltMaster`): An instance of :py:class:`saltfactories.daemons.master.SaltMaster` that this minion will connect to. defaults(dict): A dictionary of default configuration to use when configuring the proxy minion overrides(dict): A dictionary of configuration overrides to use when configuring the proxy minion max_start_attempts(int): How many attempts should be made to start the proxy minion in case of failure to validate that its running factory_class_kwargs(dict): Extra keyword arguments to pass to :py:class:`~saltfactories.daemons.proxy.SaltProxyMinion` Returns: :py:class:`~saltfactories.daemons.proxy.SaltProxyMinion`: The proxy minion process class instance """ root_dir = self.get_root_dir_for_daemon( proxy_minion_id, defaults=defaults, factory_class=factory_class ) config = factory_class.configure( self, proxy_minion_id, root_dir=root_dir, defaults=defaults, overrides=overrides, master=master, ) self.final_proxy_minion_config_tweaks(config) loaded_config = factory_class.write_config(config) return self._get_factory_class_instance( "salt-proxy", loaded_config, factory_class, proxy_minion_id, max_start_attempts, start_timeout, **factory_class_kwargs )
[docs] def salt_api_daemon( self, master, max_start_attempts=3, start_timeout=None, factory_class=daemons.api.SaltApi, **factory_class_kwargs ): """ Spawn a salt-api Please see py:class:`~saltfactories.manager.FactoriesManager.salt_master_daemon` for argument documentation. Returns: :py:class:`~saltfactories.daemons.api.SaltApi`: The salt-api process class instance """ return self._get_factory_class_instance( "salt-api", master.config, factory_class,, max_start_attempts=max_start_attempts, start_timeout=start_timeout, **factory_class_kwargs )
[docs] def get_sshd_daemon( self, config_dir=None, listen_address=None, listen_port=None, sshd_config_dict=None, display_name=None, script_name="sshd", max_start_attempts=3, start_timeout=None, factory_class=daemons.sshd.Sshd, **factory_class_kwargs ): """ Start an sshd daemon Args: max_start_attempts(int): How many attempts should be made to start the proxy minion in case of failure to validate that its running config_dir(pathlib.Path): The path to the sshd config directory listen_address(str): The address where the sshd server will listen to connections. Defaults to listen_port(int): The port where the sshd server will listen to connections sshd_config_dict(dict): A dictionary of key-value pairs to construct the sshd config file script_name(str): The name or path to the binary to run. Defaults to ``sshd``. factory_class_kwargs(dict): Extra keyword arguments to pass to :py:class:`~saltfactories.daemons.sshd.Sshd` Returns: :py:class:`~saltfactories.daemons.sshd.Sshd`: The sshd process class instance """ if config_dir is None: config_dir = self.get_root_dir_for_daemon("sshd", factory_class=factory_class) try: config_dir = pathlib.Path(config_dir.strpath).resolve() except AttributeError: config_dir = pathlib.Path(config_dir).resolve() return factory_class( start_timeout=start_timeout or self.start_timeout, slow_stop=self.slow_stop, environ=self.environ, cwd=self.cwd, max_start_attempts=max_start_attempts, factories_manager=self, script_name=script_name, display_name=display_name or "SSHD", config_dir=config_dir, listen_address=listen_address, listen_port=listen_port, sshd_config_dict=sshd_config_dict, **factory_class_kwargs )
[docs] def get_container( self, container_name, image_name, docker_client=None, display_name=None, factory_class=daemons.container.Container, max_start_attempts=3, start_timeout=None, **factory_class_kwargs ): """ Start a docker container Args: container_name(str): The name to give the container image_name(str): The image to use docker_client: An instance of the docker client to use display_name(str): Human readable name for the factory factory_class: A factory class. (Default :py:class:`~saltfactories.daemons.container.Container`) max_start_attempts(int): How many attempts should be made to start the container in case of failure to validate that its running. start_timeout(int): The amount of time, in seconds, to wait, until the container is considered as not started. factory_class_kwargs(dict): Extra keyword arguments to pass to :py:class:`~saltfactories.daemons.container.Container` Returns: :py:class:`~saltfactories.daemons.container.Container`: The factory instance """ return factory_class( name=container_name, image=image_name, docker_client=docker_client, display_name=display_name or container_name, environ=self.environ, cwd=self.cwd, start_timeout=start_timeout or self.start_timeout, max_start_attempts=max_start_attempts, **factory_class_kwargs )
[docs] def get_salt_script_path(self, script_name): """ Return the path to the customized script path, generating one if needed. """ if self.system_install is True: return script_name return cli_scripts.generate_script( self.scripts_dir, script_name, code_dir=self.code_dir, inject_coverage=self.inject_coverage, inject_sitecustomize=self.inject_sitecustomize, )
def _get_factory_class_instance( self, script_name, daemon_config, factory_class, daemon_id, max_start_attempts, start_timeout, **factory_class_kwargs ): """ Helper method to instantiate daemon factories """ if self.system_install: script_path = script_name else: script_path = self.get_salt_script_path(script_name) factory = factory_class( config=daemon_config, start_timeout=start_timeout or self.start_timeout, slow_stop=self.slow_stop, environ=self.environ, cwd=self.cwd, max_start_attempts=max_start_attempts, event_listener=self.event_listener, factories_manager=self, script_name=script_path, system_install=self.system_install, **factory_class_kwargs ) return factory def get_root_dir_for_daemon(self, daemon_id, defaults=None, factory_class=None): if defaults and "root_dir" in defaults: try: root_dir = pathlib.Path(defaults["root_dir"].strpath).resolve() except AttributeError: root_dir = pathlib.Path(defaults["root_dir"]).resolve() root_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) return root_dir if self.system_install is True and issubclass(factory_class, Salt): return self.root_dir elif self.system_install is True: root_dir = self.tmp_root_dir else: root_dir = self.root_dir counter = 1 root_dir = root_dir / daemon_id while True: if not root_dir.is_dir(): break root_dir = self.root_dir / "{}_{}".format(daemon_id, counter) counter += 1 root_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) return root_dir