Source code for saltfactories.utils.tempfiles



Temporary files utilities
import logging
import os
import pathlib
import shutil
import tempfile
import textwrap
from contextlib import contextmanager

import attr

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]@contextmanager def temp_directory(name=None, basepath=None): """ This helper creates a temporary directory. It should be used as a context manager which returns the temporary directory path, and, once out of context, deletes it. :keyword str name: The name of the directory to create :keyword basepath name: The base path of where to create the directory. Defaults to :py:func:`~tempfile.gettempdir` :rtype: pathlib.Path Can be directly imported and used: .. code-block:: python from saltfactories.utils.tempfiles import temp_directory def test_func(): with temp_directory() as temp_path: assert temp_path.is_dir() assert not temp_path.is_dir() is False Or, it can be used as a pytest helper function: .. code-block:: python import pytest def test_blah(): with pytest.helpers.temp_directory() as temp_path: assert temp_path.is_dir() assert not temp_path.is_dir() is False """ if basepath is None: basepath = pathlib.Path(tempfile.gettempdir()) try: if name is not None: directory_path = basepath / name else: directory_path = pathlib.Path(tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=str(basepath))) if not directory_path.is_dir(): directory_path.mkdir(parents=True) log.debug("Created temp directory: %s", directory_path) yield directory_path finally: created_directory = directory_path while True: if str(created_directory) == str(basepath): break if not any(created_directory.iterdir()): shutil.rmtree(str(created_directory), ignore_errors=True) log.debug("Deleted temp directory: %s", created_directory) else: log.debug("Not deleting %s because it's not empty", created_directory) created_directory = created_directory.parent
[docs]@contextmanager def temp_file(name=None, contents=None, directory=None, strip_first_newline=True): """ This helper creates a temporary file. It should be used as a context manager which returns the temporary file path, and, once out of context, deletes it. :keyword str name: The temporary file name :keyword str contents: The contents of the temporary file :keyword str,pathlib.Path directory: The directory where to create the temporary file. Defaults to the value of :py:func:`~tempfile.gettempdir` :keyword bool strip_first_newline: Either strip the initial first new line char or not. :rtype: pathlib.Path Can be directly imported and used: .. code-block:: python from saltfactories.utils.tempfiles import temp_file def test_func(): with temp_file(name="blah.txt") as temp_path: assert temp_path.is_file() assert not temp_path.is_file() is False Or, it can be used as a pytest helper function: .. code-block:: python import pytest def test_blah(): with pytest.helpers.temp_file("blah.txt") as temp_path: assert temp_path.is_file() assert not temp_path.is_file() is False """ if directory is None: directory = tempfile.gettempdir() if not isinstance(directory, pathlib.Path): directory = pathlib.Path(str(directory)) if name is not None: file_path = directory / name else: handle, file_path = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=str(directory)) os.close(handle) file_path = pathlib.Path(file_path) # Find out if we were given sub-directories on `name` create_directories = file_path.parent.relative_to(directory) if create_directories: with temp_directory(create_directories, basepath=directory): with _write_or_touch(file_path, contents, strip_first_newline=strip_first_newline): yield file_path else: with _write_or_touch(file_path, contents, strip_first_newline=strip_first_newline): yield file_path
@contextmanager def _write_or_touch(file_path, contents, strip_first_newline=True): try: if contents is not None: if contents: if contents.startswith("\n") and strip_first_newline: contents = contents[1:] file_contents = textwrap.dedent(contents) else: file_contents = contents file_path.write_text(file_contents) log_contents = "{0} Contents of {1}\n{2}\n{3} Contents of {1}".format( ">" * 6, file_path, file_contents, "<" * 6 ) log.debug("Created temp file: %s\n%s", file_path, log_contents) else: file_path.touch() log.debug("Touched temp file: %s", file_path) yield finally: if file_path.exists(): file_path.unlink() log.debug("Deleted temp file: %s", file_path)
[docs]@attr.s(kw_only=True, slots=True) class SaltEnv: """ This helper class represent a Salt Environment, either for states or pillar. It's base purpose it to handle temporary file creation/deletion during testing. :keyword str name: The salt environment name, commonly, 'base' or 'prod' :keyword list paths: The salt environment list of paths. .. admonition:: Note The first entry in this list, is the path that will get used to create temporary files in, ie, the return value of the :py:attr:`saltfactories.utils.tempfiles.SaltEnv.write_path` attribute. """ name = attr.ib() paths = attr.ib(default=attr.Factory(list)) def __attrs_post_init__(self): for idx, path in enumerate(self.paths[:]): if not isinstance(path, pathlib.Path): # We have to cast path to a string because on Py3.5, path might be an instance of pathlib2.Path path = pathlib.Path(str(path)) self.paths[idx] = path path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) @property def write_path(self): """ The path where temporary files are created """ return self.paths[0]
[docs] def temp_file(self, name, contents=None, strip_first_newline=True): """ Create a temporary file within this saltenv. Please check :py:func:`saltfactories.utils.tempfiles.temp_file` for documentation. """ return temp_file( name=name, contents=contents, directory=self.write_path, strip_first_newline=strip_first_newline, )
[docs] def as_dict(self): """ Returns a dictionary of the right types to update the salt configuration :return dict: """ return { [str(p) for p in self.paths]}
[docs]@attr.s(kw_only=True) class SaltEnvs: """ This class serves as a container for multiple salt environments for states or pillar. :keyword dict envs: The `envs` dictionary should be a mapping of a string as key, the `saltenv`, commonly 'base' or 'prod', and the value an instance of :py:class:`~saltfactories.utils.tempfiles.SaltEnv` or a list of strings(paths). In the case where a list of strings(paths) is passed, it is converted to an instance of :py:class:`~saltfactories.utils.tempfiles.SaltEnv` To provide a better user experience, the salt environments can be accessed as attributes of this class. .. code-block:: python envs = SaltEnvs( { "base": [ "/path/to/base/env", ], "prod": [ "/path/to/prod/env", ], } ) with envs.base.temp_file("foo.txt", "foo contents") as base_foo_path: ... with"foo.txt", "foo contents") as prod_foo_path: ... """ envs = attr.ib() def __attrs_post_init__(self): for envname, envtree in self.envs.items(): if not isinstance(envtree, SaltEnv): if isinstance(envtree, str): envtree = [envtree] self.envs[envname] = SaltEnv(name=envname, paths=envtree) setattr(self, envname, self.envs[envname])
[docs] def as_dict(self): """ Returns a dictionary of the right types to update the salt configuration :return dict: """ config = {} for env in self.envs.values(): config.update(env.as_dict()) return config
[docs]@attr.s(kw_only=True) class SaltStateTree(SaltEnvs): """ Helper class which handles temporary file creation within the state tree. :keyword dict envs: A mapping of a ``saltenv`` to a list of paths. .. code-block:: python envs = { "base": [ "/path/to/base/env", "/another/path/to/base/env", ], "prod": [ "/path/to/prod/env", "/another/path/to/prod/env", ], } The state tree environments can be accessed by attribute: .. code-block:: python # See example of envs definition above state_tree = SaltStateTree(envs=envs) # To access the base saltenv base = state_tree.envs["base"] # Alternatively, in a simpler form base = state_tree.base When setting up the Salt configuration to use an instance of :py:class:`~saltfactories.utils.tempfiles.SaltStateTree`, the following pseudo code can be followed. .. code-block:: python # Using the state_tree defined above: salt_config = { # ... other salt config entries ... "file_roots": state_tree.as_dict() # ... other salt config entries ... } .. admonition:: Attention The temporary files created by the :py:meth:`~saltfactories.utils.tempfiles.SaltStateTree.temp_file` are written to the first path passed when instantiating the ``SaltStateTree``, ie, the return value of the :py:attr:`saltfactories.utils.tempfiles.SaltStateTree.write_path` attribute. .. code-block:: python # Given the example mapping shown above ... with state_tree.base.temp_file("foo.sls") as path: assert str(path) == "/path/to/base/env/foo.sls" """
[docs]@attr.s(kw_only=True) class SaltPillarTree(SaltEnvs): """ Helper class which handles temporary file creation within the pillar tree. :keyword dict envs: A mapping of a ``saltenv`` to a list of paths. .. code-block:: python envs = { "base": [ "/path/to/base/env", "/another/path/to/base/env", ], "prod": [ "/path/to/prod/env", "/another/path/to/prod/env", ], } The pillar tree environments can be accessed by attribute: .. code-block:: python # See example of envs definition above pillar_tree = SaltPillarTree(envs=envs) # To access the base saltenv base = pillar_tree.envs["base"] # Alternatively, in a simpler form base = pillar_tree.base When setting up the Salt configuration to use an instance of :py:class:`~saltfactories.utils.tempfiles.SaltPillarTree`, the following pseudo code can be followed. .. code-block:: python # Using the pillar_tree defined above: salt_config = { # ... other salt config entries ... "pillar_roots": pillar_tree.as_dict() # ... other salt config entries ... } .. admonition:: Attention The temporary files created by the :py:meth:`~saltfactories.utils.tempfiles.SaltPillarTree.temp_file` are written to the first path passed when instantiating the ``SaltPillarTree``, ie, the return value of the :py:attr:`saltfactories.utils.tempfiles.SaltPillarTree.write_path` attribute. .. code-block:: python # Given the example mapping shown above ... with state_tree.base.temp_file("foo.sls") as path: assert str(path) == "/path/to/base/env/foo.sls" """